10 Exercises for total Beginner's Workout

10 Exercises For Total Beginner's Workout

Exercises for beginners

So, How long have you been wondering "When will I finally start working out ?" or "Should I spend my money to give out my own sweat ?" or "Where should I even start ? " . Truth be told all these questions stay as long as you let them but you know that too , right? You need NOT spend money to give out your own sweat (at least to know the basics which, once you do , can get you addicted to perfection and slender body you will earn). 

The most impending question is "Where to Start ?" . Well, for starters try rising up early  it has many benefits. Like having more time for yourself and building an awesome physique which will lead to greater self-confidence and hence a better life in all.

Feel motivated? Let's get started then.

I have made out a list of 10 Exercises that will get you started on high note and you will be able to feel the change within days of beginning.

NOTE: This is for beginners and hence differs from what a typical four-week plan looks like because you can extend it and modify it till an year or so or maybe keep small as your dedication allows you to do.

1. Diagonal Lunges

 To get you heated up try starting with this exercise. It focuses on your Glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps. Back/core acts as stabilizers.

Diagonal Lunges for beginners
Picture by : Gesina Kunkel  website:  www.happyveganfit.de

How to do it:
  • Start with feet hip distance apart. 
  • Step out at a 45-degree angle touching back knee to the ground. 
  • Return to starting position.
  • Repeat
  • Hip mobility.
  • Increasing muscular endurance.
  • For cardiovascular exercises such as running or hiking.

2. Press Up

 Now that your lower body is ready and whole body is warmed up. Easily done as an exercise at home, this prepares you for progression to the more demanding shoulder exercises you'll face in a gym, like the incline bench press.

Press up

How to do it:
  • Get down into a press-up position with your hands placed shoulder-width apart and back flat.
  • Such that straight line forms from your head to heels, via your glutes. 
  • Lower your body until your chest is an inch from the ground then explosively drive up by fully extending your arms. 
  • That's one rep. Repeat as long as you can. 
  • It is a compound activation exercise most of your muscles are at work.
  • It gives you power in biceps and back when you are down.
  • While moving upwards triceps and chest become the main focus.

3. Deadlift

By this time you should be breathing heavily, if not then you were underrating your own body. deadlift will now focus on giving power to your lower body and stretching out probably stiff upper body muscles.It focuses mainly on spinal erectors, glutes, hamstrings, latissimus dorsi, upper back, core and forearms.

How to do it:
  • Set dumbbells between the feet. 
  • Start with feet hip distance apart, or wider if necessary. 
  • Sit your butt back, look forward, and lower your butt down until your hands touch the dumbbells. 
  • Pick up the dumbbells, squeezing through the glutes to stand. 
  • Finish the movement by pushing the hips forward into full extension at the top of the movement.
  • These is one of the best core exercises out there. 
  • As you stand into this movement, an engaged core will make the completion of the lift much easier.

4. Bicep Curl

Now we cannot just ignore the most used and flaunted muscle of all the body builders, can we?

Bicep curl

How to do it:
  • Stand with a dumbbell in each hand and, keeping your upper arms stationary, curl the weights until the dumbbells are at shoulder level. 
  • Focus on keeping your elbows still – only your lower arm should move. 
  • Squeeze your bicep at the top of the contraction then lower slowly.
  • Repeat.
  • It as good as obvious it sounds, your biceps inflate to power
  • Your arm strength increases.

5. Bent-Knee Good Morning

Your biceps must be feeling on fire and that is great sign. Now to give them rest and get your lower body back in motion. This focuses on erector spinae, gluteus maximus, hamstrings

Bent-Knee exerise

How to do it:
  • Start with feet hip distance apart and hands behind the head. 
  • Use a light pressure in the hands against the head to force the chest open. 
  • Hinge from the hip, while bending the knees. 
  • Fold as close to parallel as you can. 
  • Press the head back into the hands to stand, squeezing the glutes for an added lift.
  • Repeat.
  • It enhances your core strength significantly.
  • Also it adds to your mobility tremendously.

6. Lateral Raise

Back to your arms, shoulders and chest. This one has tremendous potential if you do it right because there are ways to cheat in it and have easier. Of course, that will less than possible results.

Lateral Raise exercise

How to do it:
  • Stand holding a light dumbbell in each hand. 
  • Slowly lift the dumbbells out to the side until they reach shoulder height , no higher than that
  • Resist the urge to cheat by swinging the dumbbells. 
  • Pause, then lower back to your sides, slowly; you'll build more muscle fighting gravity than letting it do the work for you.
  • That is one rep.
  • Repeat.
  • For exercises done at home this has greatest power for visible shoulder development. 
  • The lateral raise isolates your medial deltoid, the middle of three shoulder muscles, helping to develop your shoulder width and mass
  • Perfect for creating the V-shape that you have always wished for.

7. High Plank

After all this your back might get stiff and ripe for an exercise for back. Then comes this one. It focuses highly on back along with Rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, erector spinae and shoulders

High Plank exercise

How to do it:
  • Dome the upper back and carve out the belly, pulling belly to spine, and creating what feels like a C-shape in the spine. 
  • Press the earth away. 
  • Hold for 10 seconds to start.
  • If you have sensitive wrists, gripping dumbbells can be a nice variation for more support.
  • Repeat
  • It improves core strength and shoulder stability. 
  • More the time you can spend in this position, the easier push-ups become.

8. Dumbbell step-up

After getting your back straight let's get back to your legs. The degree of hardness increases gradually and this is the hardest it can get for in this list.

Dumbbell step-up

How to do it:
  • Stand in front of bench with a dumbbell in each hand. 
  • Place your right foot onto the bench, push up through your heel to lift your whole body up. 
  • Step down with your left foot and repeat on the opposite side.
  • Repeat.
  • By activating all of your upper leg muscles (glutes, quads and hamstrings) it becomes an entire leg day in one move. 
  • Also it is low-impact, which means you avoid knee injuries associated with such but harder exercises.

9. Side Plank

This is more like the semi-finals of our small routine. It focuses on your small muscles on your back and will help you avoid the beginners back pain.

Side Plank

How to do it:
  • Lie on your left side with your legs straight and prop yourself onto your elbow. 
  • Brace your core and raise your hips until your body forms a straight line. 
  • Hold this position while breathing deeply. 
  • Repeat on the other side.
  • It improves your core strength.
  • Improves Balance.
  • Enhances your arms, wrists and legs.

10. Plank

This is the last but not the least exercise in this list. It focuses on your core development extensively.
A developed core adds strength to all the muscles in a body. So, it is pretty important.


How to do it:
  • Get in a press-up position, but rest on your forearms rather than your hands. 
  • Make sure your back is straight and tense your abs and glutes. 
  • Hold without allowing your hips to sag.
  • Go along as long as you can.
  • Note the time and try to increase it everyday.
  • Endless crunches put pressure on your spine and, when done incorrectly, can give you a set of weird, distended abs.
  • Planks are perfect for working your core in a way that keeps you injury-free and builds.

That is all. Once you get done there inevitably some residual pain but keep going forth till you start see the results you seek. 



  1. Hi,

    it’s Gesina. Thank you for downloading my picture. Would you mind writing my name Gesina Kunkel and website www.happyveganfit.de in the description please? and give me some credit? I’d really appreciate it.

    pic: girl doing lunges

    Thank you.

    Looking forward hearing from you.


    1. Hello Gesina,
      Of course, it is because of the dedicated people like you that the people like me can give the shape of pictorial representation to our ideas.



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