Why Starting Your Day Right is Important?

While you yearn for an extra five-minute sleep everyday there is a reason that the day begins and sets along with the sun since our ancestors have inhabited this land. Unlike the latest trend of staying up late and waking up later our forefathers preferred it to sleep early and wake up earlier. The body that they had formed helped them dwell in the routines as light does under the sun.

There is not one but three main factors that might help you to understand that waking up early and having a right start of the day is as important, if not more, as having a proper diet and right sleep.

1. Efficacy of starting it right

Around each and every article that you would come across in the internet would touch upon this point in one way or another.

By starting your day right, you maximize your time effectiveness. Therefore, setting a the right tone for your whole day. A head start has already put you ahead of many in the world and certainly from your  on self from a day before today.

2. Setting Your Will Power in Right Rhythm

Another reason for a correct beginning is the will power that you foster and the effect of Body Clock. Like everything else in this world wishes can be temporary too and so can be your motivation and for that matter your will too.
A right start everyday sets your body clock to give the maximum output throughout day. Apparently, it turns out that the right way to have fuel for human is not to save fuel but to spend it at the right time.

3. The Eternal Loop of Habits That Kick Off With the First One

Habits work in a specific way described well by a loop-type model. The basic habit loop looks like this:
cue > routine > reward
Usually, the above model explains what’s going on behind the scene of the habit. However, it must be upgraded in order to describe morning rituals as people have natural predisposition to act on autopilot at the beginning of the day.
In morning, the cue is present as in the general habit loop. In fact, it is what wakes you up: alarm, your inner clock, or anything else.
After the cue, the first routine of the day occurs. It might be a glass of water, trip to toilet, kissing your spouse, etc. Since the end of this activity, the basic loop applies no longer.
Instead, in place of a reward after the first habit, there is another routine, and the next one… until the last habit of the morning ritual.
In morning, we use one routine as a cue for the next one and can easily create long chains without any visible rewards. In consequence, the morning habit loop looks like this:
cue > routine 1 > routine 2 > … > last routine > reward
This, combined with the available willpower, has huge effect. It is ridiculously easy to put a habit into a morning ritual. You don’t have to worry about the cue (as you could use any habit in your current chain) or about the specific immediate reward (as it is not crucial in the morning habit loop).
Unfortunately, it is as easy to set up the bad routines as to install the good ones. Therefore, many people have some bad habits within their morning rituals. However, with just a little amount of reflection and mindfulness, everyone can create a personalized morning ritual.
How could you do that? Now, when you now the answers to WHY questions, it’s easy. Pick the habit you need and want, and just form it. Then rinse and repeat until you are happy with the outcome.

4. The least known fact of all

Who would like to miss such a scene for five meager minutes? 
The Hindu mythology also suggests that the first rays of sun in the morning the fragrance of freshness with them.


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